Unit Assessment

History Section Assessment

 1. Which of the following would be considered a "cause" of the Civil War?

a. The invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney.
b. The Emancipation Proclamation.
c. South Carolina seceding from the Union.
d. The election of Abraham Lincoln.

 2. Which is not a factor for determining a cause-and-effect relationship?

a. Identifying the primary event or condition to be studied.
b. Determine which events or conditions occurred because of the primary event or condition.
c. Determine which events or conditions caused the primary event or condition.
d. Identifying the exact date in which the primary event or condition occurred.

 3. Which of the following are examples of primary sources?

a. Textbooks
b. Letters
c. Photographs
d. Oral recounts
e. A, B and C
f. B, C, and D

 4. Understanding cause and effect requires a good grasp of:

a. equivalence
b. complexity
c. chronology
d. numeracy

 5. Select the below steps to understanding the relationship of events in the correct order.

  • Identify the primary event or condition to be examined.
  • Determine which events occurred as a result of the primary event.
  • Explain the relationship between causes and effects.
  • Determine which events had a role in causing the primary event.
  • Determine which events occurred as a result of the primary event.
  • Identify the primary event or condition to be examined.
  • Explain the relationship between causes and effects.
  • Determine which events had a role in causing the primary event.
  • Determine which events occurred as a result of the primary event.
  • Identify the primary event or condition to be examined.
  • Determine which events had a role in causing the primary event.
  • Explain the relationship between causes and effects.
  • Determine which events had a role in causing the primary event.
  • Determine which events occurred as a result of the primary event.
  • Identify the primary event or condition to be examined.
  • Explain the relationship between causes and effects.

 6. Timelines are an effective way for students to:

a. to learn about chronological time
b. to connect specific information to historical eras
c. to develop skills in thinking analytically
d. to gain experience in sorting and evaluating information
e. all of the above

 7. A secondary source can function as a primary source.

a. True
b. False

 8. Information from a secondary source is based on first-hand information.

a. True
b. False

 9. Artifacts such as jewelry and needlework are examples of:

a. primary sources
b. secondary sources

10. History texts, biographies, textbooks, and encyclopedias are all examples of:

a. primary sources
b. secondary sources

11. St. Augustine, Florida, the oldest continuous city in the United States, was founded by:

a. the Dutch
b. the French
c. the Spanish
d. the English
e. the Minorcans

12. English pilgrims founded Plymouth Colony in what is now Massachusetts primarily because they were seeking:

a. to expand English territory
b. economic opportunity
c. religious freedom

13. English settlers founded Jamestown in the coastal area of what is now Virginia primarily because they were seeking:

a. to expand English territory
b. economic opportunity
c. religious freedom

14. The French did not settle:

a. the Mississippi Delta region
b. the Ohio Valley region
c. the future state of Georgia
d. the Great Lakes region

15. Factors influencing early European settlement patterns in continental North America included:

a. conflicts with Native Americans
b. geographic barriers
c. tariffs
d. both a and b
e. all of the above

16. Which war was a turning point in expansion east of the Mississippi River?

a. The French and Indian War
b. The American Revolution
c. The War of 1812
d. The Mexican-American War

17. Between 1865 and the end of the 1890s, the pace of westward expansion accelerated due to:

a. railroad development
b. new technologies such as barbed wire and improved pumps
c. the discovery of minerals and ores
d. none of the above
e. all of the above

18. The �Great Migration� refers to:

a. African-Americans emigrating to Europe
b. African-Americans moving from the northern states to the southern states
c. African-Americans moving from the southern states to the northern states
d. African-Americans moving to Canada

19. Florida became a territory just after:

a. the Revolutionary War
b. the first Seminole War
c. the War of 1812
d. the second Seminole War

20. Florida was admitted to the Union in:

a. 1845
b. 1860
c. 1865
d. 1877

21. Development in Florida after 1865 was made possible primarily due to:

a. dredging
b. muck farming
c. draining the Everglades
d. railroad expansion

22. Henry Flagler built railroads:

a. along the east coast of Florida
b. along the west coast of Florida
c. along the Panhandle
d. across the peninsula

23. Henry Plant built railroads:

a. along the east coast of Florida
b. along the west coast of Florida
c. along the Panhandle
d. across the peninsula

24. William Chipley built railroads:

a. along the east coast of Florida
b. along the west coast of Florida
c. along the Panhandle
d. across the peninsula

25. During the Great Depression, Florida was impacted by all of the below except:

a. a severe drought
b. a fruit fly infestation
c. severe hurricanes
d. a bursting real estate bubble

26. After World War II, Florida�s population rose by almost 50 percent.

a. True
b. False

27. Florida�s NASA space program sent men to the moon with:

a. the Gemini program
b. the Apollo program
c. the Space Shuttle program

Geography Section Assessment

1. Almost any human or physical feature that can be visualized can be ____________.

a. drawn
b. illustrated
c. mapped
d. explained

2. Select the correct map descriptions.

a. Two-dimensional map --shows landscape features such as mountains and deserts
Topographic map --includes contour lines and elevation information
Political map --indicates location of economic activities
Resources map --indicates location of natural resources
Economics map --shows state and national boundaries
b. Two-dimensional map --shows landscape features such as mountains and deserts
Topographic map --indicates location of economic activities
Political map --shows state and national boundaries
Resources map --indicates location of natural resources
Economics map --includes contour lines and elevation information
c. Two-dimensional map --shows state and national boundaries
Topographic map --includes contour lines and elevation information
Political map --shows landscape features such as mountains and deserts
Resources map --indicates location of natural resources
Economics map --indicates location of economic activities
d. Two-dimensional map --shows landscape features such as mountains and deserts
Topographic map --includes contour lines and elevation information
Political map --shows state and national boundaries
Resources map --indicates location of natural resources
Economics map --indicates location of economic activities

3. Places and regions are known for their human and physical characteristics. Below is a list of characteristics. Please note whether they are an example of a human or a physical characteristic.

Interstate road system

a. human
b. physical

Mountain range

a. human
b. physical


a. human
b. physical

City limits

a. human
b. physical


a. human
b. physical


a. human
b. physical


a. human
b. physical


a. human
b. physical

Wildlife management area

a. human
b. physical


a. human
b. physical

4. Geography cannot be used to interpret the past. T/F

a. True
b. False

5. A region in geography refers to:

a. a location determined by imaginary lines.
b. the result of interaction between man and environment.
c. a place distinguished by physical and human characteristics.
d. an area on the earth's surface with certain unifying physical, human, or cultural characteristics.

6. Migration, evacuation, and trekking are all examples of:

a. movement.
b. adaptation.
c. influence.
d. location.

7. Hydroponic food growing is an example of:

a. people being influenced by the environment.
b. people influencing their environment.
c. people adapting to their environment.
d. none of these

8. Religion represents what kind of movement?

a. physical
b. political
c. economic
d. cultural

9. When hurricanes approach Florida they often appear larger and more dangerous than they are because:

a. weathermen exaggerate such storms.
b. weather maps are "flat projections" of the earth.
c. weather maps are political maps.
d. weather maps are simplistic projections.

10. Mountains, rivers, and canyons are examples of:

a. natural geographic boundaries.
b. political geographic boundaries.
c. artificial geographic boundaries.
d. None of the above.

11. Which of the following is an example of technological influence in geography today?

a. Satellites
b. Strobe lights
c. Global Positioning Systems
d. Prime Meridians

12. The imaginary grid of lines used to locate places on the earth is called:

a. Prime Meridians
b. equators
c. poles
d. latitude and longitude

13. In geography, a "region" is:

a. a central location.
b. a unit with certain physical, human, or cultural characteristics.
c. the same thing as topography.
d. a place that changes over time.

14. North, South, East, and West are:

a. descriptions of regions in the United States.
b. cardinal directions.
c. geo-political reference terms.
d. None of the above.

15. ______ are the six essential elements of geography.

a. The world in spatial terms, places and regions, human systems, environment and society, uses of geography, and physical systems
b. Location, place, human/environment interaction, movement, regions and uses of geography
c. The world in spatial terms, use of maps, use of directions, human systems, climate investigation and environment
d. None of the above

Government/Civics Section Assessment

1. Certain powers are shared by federal and state governments. These are called _________ powers.

a. executive
b. aligned
c. concurrent
d. random

2. Which of the following powers are not shared by federal and state government?

a. taxation
b. coining money
c. building highways
d. making and enforcing laws

3. The basic rights of a U.S. citizen are outlined in ___________.

a. the Constitution
b. the Declaration of Independence
c. the Articles of Confederation
d. the Bill of Rights

4. Since the Bill of Rights, ___ more amendments have been added to the Constitution.

a. 19
b. 17
c. 24
d. 26

5. The Bill of Rights specifically protects all of the following except:

a. freedom of speech.
b. right to due process of law.
c. freedom from cruel and unusual punishment.
d. the right to education.

6. Which three of the documents and writings listed below have influenced the United States Constitution?

a. The Politics, the Instrument of Government, and the Magna Carta
b. The Politics, the Magna Carta, and the English Bill of Rights
c. The Instrument of Government, the English Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence
d. The Magna Carta, Virginia�s Declaration of Rights, and the Articles of Confederation

7. Which of the following was an operating plan of government that was directly antecedent to our Constitution?

a. The Bill of Rights
b. The Declaration of Independence
c. The Articles of Confederation
d. The Virginia Plan
e. The New Jersey Plan

8. The three primary principles in the U.S. Constitution are:

a. separation of powers, inherent rights, and popular sovereignty.
b. due process, civil rights, and equality.
c. eminent domain, riparian rights, and self-governance.
d. the pledge of allegiance, Bill of Rights, and the U.S. Constitution.

9. The U.S. Constitution is the �law of the land� because:

a. this is the name given to it by the founders.
b. no other laws can contradict it.
c. states and territories are not allowed to have their own constitutions.
d. it is both universal and indivisible.

10. The framers of the Constitution primarily wanted:

a. a strong national government with supremacy for the legislative branch.
b. a unitary government with a powerful executive (president).
c. equal distribution of power between the federal and state governments.
d. a system of government that could not be easily revised.

11. The Constitution gives Congress, which is:

a. the legislative branch, the power to propose and pass legislation.
b. the executive branch, the power to declare war and to issue pardons for federal offenses.
c. the judicial branch, the power to interpret federal law and determine its constitutionality.

12. Each state has ___ senator(s).

a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four

13. The number of representatives each state gets is determined by its ______.

a. seniority.
b. size.
c. population.
d. geographic location.

14. In each house of Congress, laws begin with a proposal called a bill, which requires a majority of votes to pass. If there is a presidential veto, this veto can be overridden with a _______ majority.

a. three-fifths
b. two-thirds
c. three-fourths
d. 80 percent

15. An executive order has:

a. the force of law.
b. the power of suggestion.
c. equivalence with a proclamation.
d. no binding power.

16. The United States legal system is based on English common law, which is a(n) _____ system.

a. collegial
b. bicameral
c. unicameral
d. adversarial

17. On January 7, 1789, the first U.S. presidential election was held. Voters at the time were:

a. all adult white males.
b. adult white males who had sufficient wealth for taxation.
c. all residents with the status of American citizens.
d. all legal residents of the United States.

18. In a presidential election, it is possible to have the most popular votes throughout the nation and not win the electoral vote of the Electoral College.

a. True
b. False

19. Select the steps to becoming the American president in the correct order.

  1. organize support in key states
  2. obtain party support
  3. meet eligibility requirements of citizenship, age, and residency
  4. win primary elections
  5. gain delegates to their national party convention
  6. win the general election
  7. gain a majority of votes in the Electoral College
  1. meet eligibility requirements of citizenship, age, and residency
  2. obtain party support
  3. organize support in key states
  4. win primary elections
  5. gain delegates to their national party convention
  6. win the general election
  7. gain a majority of votes in the Electoral College
  1. meet eligibility requirements of citizenship, age, and residency
  2. obtain party support
  3. organize support in key states
  4. win primary elections
  5. gain a majority of votes in the Electoral College
  6. win the general election
  7. gain delegates to their national party convention

20. The Supremacy Clause in Article VI of the United States Constitution refers to:

a. the principle that might makes right.
b. the principle of concurrent powers.
c. the principle that all state laws must mirror federal laws.
d. the principle that no state law may contradict the Constitution.

21. What is true of the systems of common law and civil law?

a. Common law is codified; civil law is not.
b. Civil law is codified; common law is not.
c. Both common law and civil law are codified.
d. Neither common law nor civil law is codified.

Economics Section Assessment

1. The idea of scarcity consists of:

a. not enough goods to fulfill people�s needs.
b. people wanting more than they can consume.
c. unlimited wants and limited resources.
d. not enough people to consume goods being produced.

2. The main way to minimize scarcity is through:

a. objectivity.
b. productivity.
c. adaptivity.

3. A business cycle is made up of the following:

a. recession, expansion, contraction, and rest.
b. boom, slump, recession, and recovery.
c. inflation, stagnation, expansion, and contraction.
d. productivity, consumption, recession, and deflation.

4. Economic systems can be divided into three types:

a. socialist, communist, and democratic.
b. subsistence, market, and mixed.
c. global, national, and local.
d. traditional, market, and command.

5. In planned (or command) economies, economic decisions�what is produced and how resources are allocated�are made by the government or the state, with input from buyers or sellers.

a. True
b. False

6. The budget is the central tool of policy making.

a. True
b. False

7. Select the five stages of making consumer decisions in the correct order.

  1. search for information
  2. need recognition/problem awareness
  3. evaluation of alternatives
  4. purchase of the item
  5. post-purchase evaluation
  1. need recognition/problem awareness
  2. search for information
  3. post-purchase evaluation
  4. purchase of the item
  5. evaluation of alternatives
  1. need recognition/problem awareness
  2. search for information
  3. evaluation of alternatives
  4. purchase of the item
  5. post-purchase evaluation

8. The term �currency� has always referred to coins and paper notes.

a. True
b. False

9. The voyage of the Mayflower ____ financed with credit.

a. was
b. was not

10. What is true of personal loans?

a. A personal loan is a type of secured loan.
b. A personal loan is a type of unsecured loan.
c. A personal loan can be either secured or unsecured.

11. Interest rates on personal loans are generally _____.

a. high
b. low
c. neither high nor low

12. If checks are accepted as a form of payment, they may be used to pay for anything that may be purchased with cash or credit.

a. True
b. False

13. The role of the market is defined by two laws:

a. the law of supply and the law of demand.
b. the law of financial equilibrium and the law of financial stagnation.
c. the law of scarcity and the law of productivity.
d. the law of allocation and the law of distribution.

14. In a classical market economy, prices are determined by:

a. producers.
b. consumers.
c. producers and consumers.
d. producers, consumers, and government.

15. The term �distribution� refers to:

a. the transportation and marketing of goods.
b. the ways products, income, or wealth are distributed.

16. What are the three factors of production?

a. property, productivity, distribution
b. land, labor, capital
c. capital, labor, property
d. land, labor, consumption

17. Cooperation ___ a form of interdependence.

a. is
b. is not

18. Globalization has altered traditional economic systems by:

a. promoting democratic principles.
b. promoting industrialization.
c. de-emphasizing nationalism and traditional models.
d. encouraging trade agreements.

19. Financial interdependence includes all the benefits shown below except for:

a. encouraging capital flight.
b. minimizing and diversifying risk.
c. providing more investment opportunities.
d. providing better investment opportunities.

20. In some parts of the world, globalization has increased inequality and driven wages down.

a. True
b. False

21. Globalization has _______ the factors that drive people to leave their home countries in search of better labor conditions.

a. increased
b. decreased

22. Capital resources are used to generate profits or income. In a business or production setting, even filing cabinets and staplers are considered to be capital resources.

a. True
b. False

Additional Resource for Further Exploration

Competencies and Skills Required for Teacher Certification in Florida,
Twenty-fifth Edition, includes sections on General Knowledge (p. 1); Professional Education (p. 9); and Elementary Education (p. 63).

See the Table of Contents for more area-specific K-6 competencies (enfolded in K-12 competencies), such as Art, Computer Science, ESE, and more.


Additional Testing Information


Find registration information for the Elementary K-6 Certification exam here:


Find additional certification subject listings here:
