Section 3: Government and Civics in the Elementary Grades
Structures, Functions, and Purposes of Federal, Local, and State Government

This section focuses on understanding the structures, functions, and purposes of federal, state, and local governments. The material presented is designed to help you meet the following objective.

  • Distinguish between the structure, functions, and purposes of federal, state, and local governments.

The structure and responsibilities of the federal government are defined by the Constitution. Powers not specifically given to the federal government are the responsibility of the state or the people. The structure of state governments is defined by state constitutions. These state constitutions must not contradict the federal Constitution. Most state governments are organized, like the federal government, with executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Local governments generally are not based directly on the U.S. Constitution, but rather are based on charters granted by state constitutions.

Learning Activity

To get an idea of how government at the local, state, and federal levels operate in the area of education, read the Overview at the following link. Given their respective functions, what would be the relationship of the local school board to the federal government? Click on the following link to research your answer.