Section 2: Geography in the Elementary Grades
Using Maps and Other Geographic Tools and Technologies

Learning Activity

Determine if the United States is densely populated or sparsely populated, compared to other countries. Visit the National Geographic Education web site below to start the activity.

Reviewing the maps found on the following web sites will help you to determine your answer.

Additional resources for further exploration

In this brief video, historical geographer Anne Kelly Knowles discusses how she used GIS to map the "geography of oppression" of the Holocaust and also map what Robert E. Lee couldn't see at the Battle of Gettysburg.

The web site provides official information on GPS and related topics ranging from "How does GPS work?" to "Can GPS help me find my lost phone?" For a quick overview of GPS, and its history, scope, and potential, scroll down to "Video: GPS Modernization."

This short article on thematic maps explains why cartographers making thematic maps must consider their audience, the difference between bivariate and multivariate information, and more.