Section 2: Geography in the Elementary Grades
Working with the Six Essential Elements of Geography

Environment and society

The "Environment and Society" element focuses on the location and impact of people on the Earth and its physical systems, and how people have adapted to these systems through activities like irrigation, canal- and dam-building, and road-building. This link provides open-access resources for teachers, researchers, and the public on the human/environment relationship.

Uses of geography

This essential element has two components, one focusing on applying geography to interpret the past, and the other on applying geography to understand the present and plan for the future. This element has a deep connection to history: "Geographers and historians agree that the human story must be told within the context of three intertwined points of view — space, environment, and chronology. The geographically informed person understands the importance of bringing the spatial and environmental focus of geography to bear on the events of history" (National, 1994, par. 144). Understanding geography is an important tool for understanding past events: geographic characteristics have affected the outcome of wars or the vectors of disease. But geography also helps make sense of the present. "Geography is the key to nations, peoples, and individuals being able to develop a coherent understanding of the causes, meanings, and effects of the physical and human events that occur — and are likely to occur — on Earth's surface" (National, par. 151). Geographic literacy helps students analyze a number of environmental, political, and economic issues, and can help them make decisions for their future, such as where to live, work, or travel.

Click this link for a discussion on using geography to understand the past and present, and to plan for the future.