Section 1: History in the Elementary Grades
Causes and Consequences of Exploration, Immigration, Settlement Patterns, and Growth

Additional resources for further exploration

From the National Humanities Center, this collection of resource materials focuses on primary sources concerning settlement patterns in North America from 1492 to 1690.

Saint Augustine, the oldest permanent settlement in North America, celebrated its 450th year in 2015. The nation’s oldest city was founded by Spanish settlers in 1565, 42 years before Jamestown.

Find a timeline of colonial settlement at the link below.

The link below focuses on the African-American immigration experience, from the trans-Atlantic slave trade to the first and second Great Migrations, to the return south, and more.;jsessionid=f8302030131388149973180?bhcp=1

“German Immigrants: Their Contributions to the Upper Midwest” is a lesson plan from the Library of Congress for grades 3-5 and 6-8 that includes complete instructions for preparation, procedures, and evaluation.

“The Immigrant Experience: Down the Rabbit Hole” is a lesson plan from the Library of Congress for grades 3-5 and 6-8 that includes complete instructions for preparation, procedures, and evaluation.