Section 1: Knowledge of Emergent Literacy and Reading
Teaching Phonics

Word Sort

Prepare Word Sort by cutting up a set of words for each student. Put the word cards in a small plastic bag or an envelope. This example uses words with the long and short sounds of a.

You can do the word sort as an open sort or closed sort. When the headings for the columns are provided, that is a closed sort. This type of sort provides more support for students. Ask the students to find the headings for the columns glass, trade, Spain, and lay.  Model this activity by putting the words on index cards and use a pocket chart to show the students how to manipulate the word cards and sort them under the correct columns. Talk with students about the different patterns. Why would they expect the first column words to have a short vowel?  Why do the other columns usually have a long vowel sound?  When students understand the sorting process, you can give them a set of word cards and allow them to determine their own column headings. This would be an open sort.

Answer to Sort:

ă  CVC ā CVCe āī CVVC āy  CVV
glass trade Spain lay
stand brave raise stay
past slave grain play
  taste nail clay
  shade gain tray
    aid stray

Other words that fit this pattern include grand, brass, task, tramp, grave, graze, lame, rate, slate, stale, faith, stain, fail, praise, jay, sway, ray, and slay.