Section 2: Knowledge of Language and the Writing Process
Overview of Developmental Stages of Writing/Range and Application


Stage A (K) Stage B (K-1) Stage C (1-2)
Students learn that symbols can represent thought; they learn letters and sounds and begin to put them into words. They discuss what authors do.
Students should convey a complete thought. They should feel comfortable writing. Writing should be in both narrative and expository modes and include choice as well as assigned writing.
Students build fluency (being able to fill a page with writing) as well as demonstrate knowledge, using the language of the six writing traits.
Stage D (2) Stage E (2-3) Stage F (3)
Students continue to build fluency, and we expect to see some evidence in student writing of all of the traits. Students should begin to self-evaluate their writing.
Students write in various forms, for different purposes. Writing becomes substantial enough to score based on six traits.
Students have a strong understanding of the six traits that have been modeled regularly, and they recognize the traits in their own writing. (Portfolio includes personal narrative and letter.)
Stage G (4) Stage H (5) Stage I (6)
Students write in an articulate, cohesive manner for a variety of purposes and in varied forms. Students are aware of audience and purpose as they write. (Portfolio includes an essay.)
Students show strengths in all traits of writing. They are able to narrow or expand their own topics and write on assigned topics. They revise for elaboration, organization, word choice, and varied sentence structure. They edit for common errors in conventions. (Portfolio includes a procedure or set of instructions and a business letter.)
Students are beginning to control their writing and develop all their writing for a specific audience and purpose. They expand their use of strategies to write across content areas. They use resources to correct errors in conventions. These students can comfortable access and paraphrase information. (Portfolio includes a research report.)

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Writing - Stage A (grade K)

1. Writes clearly and effectively

  • Ideas
    Draws pictures or scribbles to convey meaning and talks about them
    Makes attempts at writing using letters
    Participates in group writing
  • Organization
    Understands that writing has a beginning and an ending
  • Voice
    Understands that voice represents the personality of the writing
  • Word Choice
    Copies familiar words from the environment
  • Sentence fluency
    Uses literary language in dictation (e.g., "Once upon a time")
  • Conventions
    Knows and can form letters (upper and lower case)
    Matches letters and sounds
    Writes top to bottom, left to right
    Writes own name

2. Writes a variety of forms for a variety of audiences and purposes

  • Writes for different purposes
    Creates pictures, labels, and captions
    Narrative: to tell a story
    Expository: to inform, to explain, and to observe
  • Writes in a variety of forms
    Attempts a variety of forms including: sign, note or card, alphabet book, list
    Discusses ways people use writing in their work

3. Understands and uses the steps of the writing process

  • Prewrites
    Uses pictures or discussion to plan writing
  • Drafts
    Uses own language, drawings, or symbols to create a rough draft
  • Revises
    Dictates text
  • Edits
    Checks for correct letter formation
  • Publishes
    Writes legibly
    Reads writing to other
Writing - Stage B (grades K-1)

1. Writes clearly and effectively

  • Ideas and content
    Chooses topics from personal experience
    Participates in shared writing
  • Organization
    Understands and identifies beginning, middle, and end of writing
  • Voice
    Recognizes voice as a trait of quality writing
  • Word Choice
    Experiments with word choice from a variety of sources (e.g., word walls, words from a story)
  • Sentence fluency
    Writes in complete sentences using basic sentence structure
  • Conventions
    Leaves spaces between words
    Identifies and understands the purpose of ending punctuation (!,?,.)
    Uses capitals at beginnings of sentences, writes "I" using a capital
    Uses letter sounds (especially consonants) to attempt to spell unknown words
    Spells grade-level words correctly

2. Writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes

  • Identifies different audiences for writing
  • Writes for different purposes
  • Writes for real-life purposes
  • Narrative: to tell or retell a story
  • Expository: to inform, to explain, to observe
  • Attempts a variety of forms including: list, caption, description
  • Writes application information (name, address, phone)

3. Understands and uses the steps of the writing process

  • Prewrites
    Generates ideas orally or with pictures
  • Drafts
    Uses own language and drawings to produce a rough draft
  • Revises
    Rereads writing to see if it makes sense
    With support, adds to the text
  • Edits
    Understands the purpose of editing
    Checks for correct letter formation and spaces between words
    Corrects capitals at beginning and punctuation at end of sentences
  • Publishes
    Writes legibly
    Reads writing to others
Writing - Stage C (grades 1-2)

1. Writes clearly and effectively

  • Ideas and content
    Writes multiple sentences on a single topic including some details
  • Organization
    Identifies and organizes text with beginning, middle, and end
  • Voice
    Writes to convey personal thoughts
  • Word Choice
    With support, is able to choose words to enhance writing
  • Sentence fluency
    Uses basic sentence structure and varies sentence beginnings
  • Conventions
    Uses appropriate ending punctuation (!, ?, .)
    Attempts apostrophes
    Uses capitals at beginnings of sentences, writes "I" as capital
    Uses letter sounds to attempt to spell unknown words
    Spells grade-level words correctly

2. Writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes

  • Identifies and writes for a specific audience
  • Writes for different purposes
  • Narrative: to tell a story, to entertain
  • Expository: to inform, to reflect, to observe
  • Attempts a variety of forms including: observation log, story, letter
  • Discusses different forms and purposes of writing people use in their work

3. Understands and uses the steps of the writing process

  • Prewrites
    Generates ideas orally, with pictures, or in written form
  • Drafts
    Uses planning ideas to produce a rough draft
  • Revises
    Rereads writing to self or others to see if it makes sense
    With support, adds or changes to enhance writing
  • Edits
    Corrects capitals at beginning and punctuation at end of sentences
    Corrects recurring errors in spelling of grade-level words
  • Publishes
    Reads writing to others
Writing - Stage D (grade 2)

1. Writes clearly and effectively

  • Ideas and content
    Narrows a topic
    Understands and adds details
  • Organization
    Writes with a clear beginning, middle, and end
    Understands that paragraphs separate ideas
  • Voice
    Takes risks
    Attempts to avoid mundane or trite words which lack voice
    Writes with enthusiasm
  • Word Choice
    Attempts to use unusual or hard-to-spell words
    Uses appropriate words for the audience
  • Sentence fluency
    Writes in complete sentences
    Varies sentence length
    Experiments with combining or expanding sentences
  • Conventions
    Uses vowels in phonetic spelling
    Spells grade-level words correctly
    Has subject-verb agreement
    Uses pronouns correctly

2. Writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes

  • Identifies and writes for a specific audience
  • Writes for different purposes
  • Narrative: to tell a story
  • Expository: to inform, to reflect, and to observe
  • Attempts a variety of forms including: learning log, comparison, invitation

3. Understands and uses the steps of the writing process

  • Prewrites
    Generates ideas and organizes them in advance of drafting
  • Drafts
    Uses prewriting to produce a rough draft
  • Revises
    Rereads writing to self or others to revise or clarify
    With support, adds or changes words to enhance writing
  • Edits
    Corrects capitals, apostrophes, and ending punctuation
    Corrects recurring errors in spelling of grade-level words
  • Publishes
    Produces final copy-edited piece of writing
Writing - Stage E (grades 2-3)

1. Writes clearly and effectively

  • Ideas
    Writes on topics within personal knowledge
    Writes on a variety of topics
    Adds significant details to ideas
  • Organization
    Organizes writing in logical sequence
    Understands the purpose of transition words
    Is aware of strong leads and conclusions in literature
  • Voice
    Recognizes voice in others' writing
  • Word Choice
    Gives attention to interesting word choice
  • Sentence fluency
    Uses a variety of sentence structures (e.g., simple, compound)
  • Conventions
    Uses ending punctuation correctly
    Uses periods after abbreviations, between city and state, and in a date
    Uses mostly accurate grammar
    Spells grade-level words correctly

2. Writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes

  • Identifies and writes for a specific audience
  • Writes for different purposes
  • Narrative: to entertain
  • Expository: to reflect, to report
  • Attempts a variety of forms including: how-to paragraph, personal letter
  • Discusses different forms and purposes of writing people use in their work

3. Understands and uses the steps of the writing process

  • Prewrites
    Generates ideas and gathers information prior to drafting
  • Drafts
    Elaborates on a topic and gives supporting ideas
  • Revises
    Adds more details or changes text to enhance writing
  • Edits
    Uses resources to correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and usage
    Understands the purpose of editing
    Corrects recurring errors in spelling of grade-level words
  • Publishes
    Produces a completed writing project to share with chosen audience
Writing - Stage F (grade 3)

1. Writes clearly and effectively

  • Ideas and content
    Stays on topic during an entire piece
    Elaborates in detail on one topic
  • Organization
    Begins to use transition words accurately
    Begins to use paragraphs to separate ideas
  • Voice
    Shows self through writing
    Shows knowledge and enthusiasm for topics in nonfiction
  • Word Choice
    Considers the effects of word choice on various audiences
    Use resources (e.g., dictionaries, taxonomies) for writing
  • Sentence fluency
    Uses a variety of sentence structures (e.g., simple, compound)
    Combines and expands sentences
  • Conventions
    Uses commas in a series correctly
    Uses commas in compound sentences
    Attempts quotation marks in dialogue
    Uses apostrophes in possessive nouns
    Spells grade-level words correctly
    Begins cursive writing

2. Writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes

  • Identifies and writes for a specific audience
  • Writes for different purposes
  • Narrative: to tell a story, to entertain
  • Expository: to learn
  • Attempts persuasive: to convince
  • Attempts a variety of forms including: personal narrative, journal entries, summaries, graphs

3. Understands and uses the steps of the writing process

  • Prewrites
    Uses graphic organizers
    Uses library sources to gather information
  • Drafts
    Uses own vocabulary, drawings, and ideas to create a rough draft
    Uses graphic organizers to create a rough draft
  • Revises
    Asks questions about others writing and of own writing
  • Edits
    Corrects some errors independently
    Corrects recurring errors in spelling of grade-level words
  • Publishes
    Selects a publishing form and produces a completed writing project to share with chosen audience
Writing - Stage G (grade 4)

1. Writes clearly and effectively

  • Ideas and content
    Chooses own topic and represents one main idea or topic in text
    Elaborates with details to enhance or support main ideas
    Paraphrases information accurately
    Names sources when writing reports
  • Organization
    Organizes using a variety of structures (e.g., sequential, cause and effect, comparison)
    Uses transitions and paragraphs to construct logical order
  • Voice
    Demonstrates awareness of the audience
    Communicates own perspective and ideas
  • Word Choice
    Uses patterns and vocabulary from literature and nonfiction
    Uses words in more than one context
  • Sentence fluency
    Uses a variety of sentence lengths and types
    Develops an awareness of rhythm and flow of language
  • Conventions
    Uses commas in numbers, titles, and initials; uses most grammar correctly
    Uses learned rules of punctuation and capitalization correctly even when drafting
    Spells grade-level words correctly in the final draft
    Writes legibly

2. Writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes

  • Shows some awareness of audience needs
  • Writes for different purposes including to respond to teacher's prompt
  • Narrative: to imagine
  • Expository: to tell about something
  • Persuasive: to persuade
  • Writes in a variety of forms and genres including: comparison, problem solution essay, speech, memos

3. Understands and uses the steps of the writing process

  • Prewrites
    Consistently organizes and plans writing (e.g., story mapping, nonfiction mapping)
    Begins to use available technology (e.g., word processor) consistently throughout the writing process
    Uses resources in schools, libraries, and community
  • Drafts
    Uses planning ideas to produce a rough draft
    Forms complete phrases, sentences, and thoughts
  • Revises
    Collects input from others
    Adds or changes appropriate language and/or graphics to enhance text and style
  • Edits
    Uses a dictionary and other references to edit errors
    Corrects common errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization; adds missing words
    Beginning peer editing for specific conventions
  • Publishes
    Produces a legible and effective final product using technology when needed
Writing - Stage H (grade 5)

1. Writes clearly and effectively

  • Ideas and content
    Stays on topic for extended writing giving significant details and examples
    Gathers information from other sources and summarizes or synthesizes information
    Cites sources when writing reports or technical documents
  • Organization
    Organizes writing in logical sequence including time, topic and details, problem and solution, etc.
    Uses transitional words correctly
    Uses introduction and conclusion in writing
  • Voice
    Analyzes voice in others' writing
    Communicates own perspective and ideas effectively
  • Word Choice
    Uses words appropriate to the context
    Consistently uses a wide range of words to convey precise meaning
    Is aware of figurative language and imagery in literature
  • Sentence fluency
    Consistently uses a variety of sentence lengths and types
    Experiments with rhythm and flow of language
  • Conventions
    Uses capitals, ending punctuation, commas, and quotation marks, and hyphens correctly in final draft
    Uses accurate grammar and writes in paragraphs
    Spells grade-level words correctly

2. Writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes

  • Writes for a variety of audiences
  • Writes for different purposes
  • Narrative: to describe, to tell about something
  • Expository: to direct, to name something
  • Persuasive: to persuade, to request
  • Writes in a variety of forms including: poetry, directions/instructions, business letter, news articles
  • Identifies documents one writes in a career setting

3. Understands and uses the steps of the writing process

  • Prewrites
    Demonstrates a variety of planning strategies (e.g., graphic organizers, lists)
    Uses strategies to organize as well as generate ideas
    Uses school, library, and community resources (e.g., public libraries, internet connections, civic groups)
  • Drafts
    Focuses on development of details, organization, and voice while drafting
  • Revises
    Uses knowledge of traits to revise
    Accepts appropriate suggestions from others and collaborates with a team to revise
  • Edits
    Uses references to edit errors; adds missing or necessary words
    Corrects punctuation, capitalization, and grammatical errors; corrects spelling of grade-level words (teacher, peer editing)
  • Publishes
    Selects appropriate publishing form such as poster or book
Writing - Stage I (grade 6)

1. Writes clearly and effectively

  • Ideas and content
    Writes to own and assigned topic for various audiences and purposes
    Elaborates to enhance or support main ideas (e.g., descriptions, reasons)
    Selects and cites essential or useful information from multiple sources
  • Organization
    Organizes text with a clear beginning and end
    Writes in logical sequence including problem and solution, compare and contrast, analysis and conclusion
    Uses transitions and paragraphs to construct logical order (e.g., time and sequence words, pronouns)
  • Voice
    Experiments with multiple voices suitable to purpose and audience
  • Word Choice
    Uses specific nouns and modifiers to convey precise meaning for the audience and purpose
    Uses some language relevant to content area (e.g., social studies, math, health)
    Experiments with figurative language and imagery (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme schemes)
  • Sentence fluency
    Varies sentence length and structure (e.g., simple, compound, complex)
    Shows some rhythm and flow of language
  • Conventions
    Spells correctly except for effect in final draft; uses accurate punctuation and capitalization
    Employs conventional grammar (e.g., subject/verb agreement and verb tense agreement) except for effect

2. Writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes

  • Identifies and writes for a specific audience (e.g., self, principal, friends)
  • Chooses form, details, organization, and word choice to suit audience
  • Writes for different purposes across content areas
  • Narrative: to create, to entertain
  • Expository: to inform others, to explain ideas or procedures
  • Persuasive: to convince, to request
  • Writes in a variety of forms and genres including: essays, research reports, news articles, pamphlets, graphs, tables

3. Understands and uses the steps of the writing process

  • Prewrites
    Uses a variety of strategies to generate and organize ideas (e.g., brainstorming, mapping)
    Uses available tools and technology (e.g., computer applications) throughout the writing process
    Narrows or expands a topic prior to drafting
  • Drafts
    Elaborates on an initial idea
    Uses ideas and perspectives to produce a rough draft
    Focuses on development of details, organization, and voice while drafting
  • Revises
    Rereads writing to self to see if it makes sense; confers with others and considers their suggestions
    Adds and deletes language to enhance text and style
  • Edits
    Uses more than one resource to edit text (e.g., teacher, dictionary, computer, peers, style guides)
    Corrects errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and capitalization
  • Publishes
    Selects a format for publishing (e.g., speech, poster, essay, research) appropriate for the audience
    Uses technology as part of the process

Now that you have explored the developmental stages of writing, you may check your understanding of this section by clicking on the assessment button at the bottom of the Learning Activities page, or you may wait to complete your self-check at the end of this unit section.