Section 1: Knowledge of Emergent Literacy and Reading
Components of Effective Reading Instruction: Vocabulary/Word Recognition

Vocabulary/Word Recognition—what is it?

Vocabulary/word recognition refers to the words we must know to communicate effectively. There are different types of vocabulary. Oral vocabulary refers to the words we use in speaking. Listening vocabulary refers to the words we recognize in listening. Reading vocabulary refers to words we recognize in print. Writing vocabulary includes words we use in our own writing.

Students learn the meanings of most words indirectly, through everyday experiences with oral and written language. They do so by engaging daily in oral language, listening to adults read to them, and reading extensively on their own.

Although a great deal of vocabulary is learned indirectly, some vocabulary should be taught directly. This can be done through specific word instruction (teaching specific words, extended instruction that promotes active engagement with words, and repeated exposure to words in many contexts) and word learning strategies (using dictionaries and other reference aids, using word parts, and using context clues).

Vocabulary instruction should focus on important words (key words to help readers make sense of the text), useful words (words they will encounter often), and difficult words (words with multiple meanings, idiomatic words, etc.).

Required Reading

Click below to read a summary of the National Reading Panel Report on vocabulary from the publication, Put Reading First: The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read.

"What Is Vocabulary Instruction?"

"Why Is Vocabulary Instruction Important?"

"How Do I Teach Vocabulary?"

Click on the link below for more information on vocabulary development—select Vocabulary/ Concept Development from the menu.

Using Cognates to Develop Comprehension in English