Below are other online training opportunities developed by the BEESS discretionary projects. If you are interested in earning inservice points for any of these, contact your school district's professional learning office to verify the requirements you must fulfill BEFORE beginning.
ACCESS project supports statewide professional development for teachers to ensure a greater understanding of Florida Standards Access Points. Visit their website to view webinars and additional resources.
Autism Navigator for Classroom Success in PreK to 2nd Grade
This is a self-paced, 10-hour online professional development course with practical video examples. It is designed to increase the capacity of preschool, kindergarten, first and second grade teachers, special educators, therapists, special area teachers, and school staff to support children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the classroom and school environment. This course presents an overview of how the unique characteristics of autism may impact a child’s school experience and offers an evidence-based framework for supporting active engagement and positive behavior in a variety of settings and teaching contexts. The content will enable teachers to support students with the materials and activities already available in the classroom. The course is free for Florida educators; however, you must complete a request form to enroll. Additionally, Autism Navigator offers a companion six-week Webinar Series available to anyone in Florida.
Center for Autism & Related Disabilities (CARD)
CARD provides online modules that support the goal of optimizing the potential of people with autism spectrum disorder and related disabilities.
Postsecondary Education and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Postsecondary Education and Universal Design for Learning module, developed by the Florida Consortium on Postsecondary Education & Intellectual Disabilities, provides strategies and techniques that support a diverse population of students while maintaining the integrity and content of the postsecondary education coursework. By using techniques described in this module, you will discover students who once struggled to learn become more engaged and leave with a deeper understanding of the course content.
Florida Instructional Materials Center for the Visually Impaired (FIMC-VI)
FIMC-VI provides training and professional development for teachers, administrators, families, and agency personnel serving students who are visually impaired. Visit their website and select the Events page to learn more about accessing upcoming workshops, conferences, webinars, and independent courses. “What to Do if You Are Working with a Student Who is Blind or Visually Impaired,” is an independent, self-paced course designed for teachers; therapists; and paraprofessionals that are new to the needs of students who are blind or have a visual impairment. The course consists of five modules, including videos and other activities. Participants may earn up to five inservice credits. Complete the course sign-up form to receive the enrollment link.
Problem Solving/Response to Intervention (PS/RtI)
PS/RtI offers resources, such as professional learning modules at the secondary level to increase district capacity to implement and sustain a multi-tiered system of support.
Resource Materials and Technology Center for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing (RMTC-D/HH)
RMTC-D/HH provides online training modules to school district personnel, including teachers of the deaf and other professionals working with students who are deaf/hard of hearing based on state initiatives.
Students Transitioning to Adult Roles (STAR) Person-Centered Planning (PCP)
The STAR PCP webinar, developed by the The Florida Consortium on Postsecondary Education and Intellectual Disabilities, describes the vision and goals of the process, as well as, the participant roles, steps, and related documents used throughout the process. The STAR PCP was designed to ensure students with disabilities who are transitioning into inclusive postsecondary programs have the opportunity to plan their own future with the support and encouragement of other adults in their lives. This process can be used in secondary settings, as well.
Working with the Experts (WWE)
Working with the Experts provides professional development for speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists and physical therapists, who provide services to students with disabilities in Florida’s public schools.